Philippine Bloggers

(Personal Blog) Edelweiza

The Life of a Breadwinner
a proud Filipina's continued quest in providing for her family, living a colorful life in the Philippines and finding her niche in the blogging world casually chronicled one post at a time

Edelweiza M. Mabalay is a writer, tour-guide and blogger based in Manila, Philippines.
She spent her childhood in a small town in the province of Nueva Ecija. She's the eldest in a brood of four (three females and a male). When her father lost his job in 1999, she worked hard to finish her studies to become the breadwinner in the family.
Edelweiza, or Edel as what her friends fondly call her, started blogging in 2005. Since then, she has been making friends and meeting interesting people online and offline. She started attending blogger events in 2008 and is now blogging at her own domain name

She loves and lives for her family and enjoys being a breadwinner despite the hardships, difficulties and responsibilities attached to the title. And yes, she salutes all the breadwinners in the world (may they be fathers, mothers, sons or daughters) for their big hearts and generosity of spirit.

Know more about her through this blog.

1 comment:

  1. wow, it's me..thank you guys for featuring my blog here. much appreciated! more power! :)
